Excuse me for my English.
Entschuldigen sie for meine English.
I found this excellent forum by gooogling.
I will try to make a German translation if time. (my German is very bad, but I can read it)
Meine Deutch is sehr slecht, lesen ist Ok, aber schreiben is sehr schwierig.
I have two Chinese grid tie inverters. But the are not of the more familiar "Power Jack" or "Sun".
However I would really like to reverse engineer the microcontroller program.
The manufacturer is "Kai Deng"
They have the annoying bug that they need a rather large solar input (15W) in order to "power lock" stable.
I believe the current "step" is too big in the microcontroller.
Can you help me finding the microcontroller name?
It's name is sanded off

I already found the other chip myself.
To the left it seems a connector for programming, just like the power jack/sun gti

I also upgraded the input capacitors to 2x10.000µF